A few things that made me chuckle tonight.

I. Brothers photo ops

First attempt:

Hey, look at mama!

Told M to Sit closer, and this is what happened:

M finally cooperated after some laughs, and say “look at mama”!

II. Show and tell

M was rather proud that he was in the “baby float” in Hawaii, a few months ago.

III. Eating blueberries

He was eating blueberries on the floor, while I was busy wiping down the dining room. Then I realized he kept making trips to the trash can in the kitchen. I’m pretty sure he was tossing either bad looking blueberries or berries that were dropped on the floor. I missed the shot of him opening the trash can so he posed it for me. It’s wonderful now he knows how to pose. Sometimes it’s a curse since I don’t like cheesy fake smile shots, but great for situations like this.

March 2, 2013 Family

Some of the funnest conversations happen after the bath while I dress him, when he’s in a good mood that is. Tonight for example, he hasn’t learned how to use You and I from different perspectives –

Maxwell: (pointing to himself) I’m da boss!

I: Yeah, you’re the boss!

Maxwell: No! No! I da boss!

I: (pointing to him) Yeah, You da boss!

Maxwell: No! I (a long dragged out I) da boss!

I: (pointing to myself) I da boss!

Maxwell: NO! I da boss!

I: I da boss!

Maxwell: NO! You da boss!

I: Yay!

Maxwell: (looking thoroughly confused)

I: Silly Maxwell.

Maxwell: No silly Maxwell.

February 28, 2013 Family

November 15, 2012 Family

DIY shot with a remote.

Mommy and me

So happy together

November 12, 2012 Family

October 31, 2012 Family

Sketch book


He was very proud that he figured out how to insert the pencil into the sprial spine. It’s his little sketch book.


Taken@ September 15, 2012

October 23, 2012 Family

23 weeks bump

Believe it or not, we were both jumping. It’s just that lilbo hadn’t mastered leaving the ground both feet at the same time.


Taken@ September 15, 2012

September 15, 2012 Family


I turned around for 5 minutes and look what he did with these! He thought himself was pretty great too.


Taken @ September 9, 2012

September 9, 2012 Family


He brought 4 tires to bed that night.  Don’t ask me why we have spare mini tires floating around in the house.  Let’s not go there.

Taken @ September 1, 2012

September 1, 2012 Family

Daddy & Me watching tv


Taken @ September 1, 2012

September 1, 2012 Family

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